
I believe that a lot of what makes art magic has been lost – to glossy magazines – prices and artificial cachet. In the end, art has always been about people speaking to people in its wonderful, magical, universal language. That’s why I write the way I do. Personally. About the people. About the ideas. About the paint. About the story.

My name is Mahsa Mergenthaler-Shamsaei. I live and work in Geneva Switzerland. Days, I am a shipping lawyer. Nights, I am a possessed art fanatic. I write all the blogs on this site and curated the YPA exhibitions in Berlin. Some interesting reporting on this effort has featured in:

The YPA project operates on a non-for-profit basis and is there to showcase, promote and illustrate a new wave in contemporary art.

Emerging from Iran but relevant for the world, the new breed of Iranian artists continue to reference classical art techniques but with the freshest and most relevant of themes. With regular profiling of the artists making up this new wave we will shine the spotlight on this very exciting new movement.

YPA (Young Persian Artists) are the next step from YBA (Young British Artists) – YBA were a loud and brave new movement in contemporary British art. Now its Iran’s turn.

STAY IN TOUCH: Info@youngpersianartists.com or:

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9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi. I have just found a website which is looking for muslims artists from all over the world in order to publish on their site or whatever. One of their site is The Muslim Show (https://m.facebook.com › MuslimShow.) Send their the picture (Comics style or 3D animation) at contact@bdouin.com. If you know some of these artists through the YPA, could you share it with them. Voilà. Bye.


  2. Goodness, what do I call myself? We’re one thing at home, another when we’re traveling. Do I simply state where I live or where I mostly lived? Or do I go into where I was born, where my parents were born, their parents, etc? All in all, I’m not Perisan, and I am a visual artist/writer who much appreciates your site. When I visited Tehran in 2006, I was much impressed with what the modern art museum there had to offer.


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